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by Jenni Davidson
14 March 2016
Digital services contract with CGI set to create 200 new jobs in the Scottish Borders

Digital services contract with CGI set to create 200 new jobs in the Scottish Borders

A new public sector IT deal in Scottish Borders will create 200 new jobs and inject over £100m into the local economy.

The 13-year, £92m digital services contract awarded by Scottish Borders Council (SBC) to CGI will provide the council with state-of-the-art technology to deliver customer services and streamlined systems.

These include a new enterprise resource planning (ERP) system to replace SBC’s current finance and HR systems, a modern digital platform to make it simpler for residents to interact with the council and solutions to address some of the Borders’ connectivity issues.

The latter will involve the unbundling of six exchanges to allow CGI to deliver superfast broadband to schools, communities and businesses.

The agreement also brings with it the most significant inward investment proposal ever for the region with the potential to bring £107.1m to the Borders’ economy. 

As part of the deal, CGI will establish a Scottish IT service centre in the Borders.

This means the council’s 49 existing IT staff will remain in the Borders and new employment opportunities for local young people will be created through Modern Apprenticeships.

Council leader David Parker said: “This is a landmark deal for the Scottish Borders as we join forces with one of the leading IT companies in the world to offer a once in a generation transformational opportunity for the region.

“For CGI to choose the Scottish Borders to base their second UK service centre is a genuinely exciting opportunity.

“Not only does it mean our existing ICT staff will remain in the Borders, but it will also bring a wide range of benefits and opportunities.

“We have always maintained our ambition for a growing and prosperous economy here in the Borders, especially on the back of the Borders Railway opening and I am confident this contract is just the start.”

Scottish Borders Council is the first local authority to use the new public sector partner procurement process agreed to help save public bodies across Scotland time and money by streamlining the tendering and awarding of contracts. 

SBC was named as a public sector partner by City of Edinburgh Council throughout its ICT service re-procurement exercise, which meant SBC could contract directly with CGI as the winning bidder on the City of Edinburgh Council tender.

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