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05 November 2015
Judicial Hub collects Europe-wide award

Judicial Hub collects Europe-wide award

A virtual learning and online communications platform for judges, sheriffs and justices of the peace in Scotland has claimed a Europe-wide award.

The Judicial Hub, a custom-built platform launched by the Judicial Institute for Scotland last year, was named winner of the Crystal Scales of Justice Prize.

The hub saw off competition from judicial institutions in 11 other countries to claim the award from the European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice.

Training courses can be advertised and bookings made via the platform while judicial office holders can also access course materials.

Communications from the Lord President are routed through the online platform, while briefing papers on the latest legal developments are also available.

Sheriff Alistair Duff, director of the Judicial Institute for Scotland, said: “Since the launch of the Hub a huge effort has gone into maintaining, developing and improving its appearance and functionality as well as in supporting judicial office holders to make the best use of the Hub and its resources.”

Fabio Bartolomeo, president of the jury of the Crystal Scales of Justice Prize, said: “All European judicial systems should take the example of the Judicial Hub in order to improve the way their websites are designed and deployed.”

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