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Holyrood 506 / 24 April 2023

Holyrood 506 / 24 April 2023

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Scottish Conservative Party conference interview
No sweat: Douglas Ross on points of principle and leading the opposition at a time of turmoil for the SNP

Spotlight: The SNP’s crisis is threatening to undermine the government

John Mason: The outspoken MSP says he’s no caricature

3 Editor’s note - Who would have believed how toxic Sturgeon’s legacy could become?
5  Roundup - Pictures and numbers from the past two weeks
6 Talking Point - Disruptive protestors are annoying, but that’s the whole point 
8 In Context - Section 35 orders and the legal challenge  
9  Political Spotlight: The SNP - The financial crisis engulfing the ruling party is now overshadowing the government’s work 
12  Political Interview: Douglas Ross - The Tory leader on facing Humza Yousaf and his difficult relationship with the first minister’s predecessor
18  Cost of living: Home Truths - Across Scotland, fears of being unable to make ends meet continue amid a cost-of-living crisis
22  Cost of living: Dr Sally Witcher - The former chair of the Scottish Commission on Social Security on disability inequality and why she left the job
24  Economy: Wellbeing Economy - Measuring success by people’s happiness sounds radical, but it still requires economic growth
26  Devolution: Beyond Scotland - Nations and regions across the UK are crying out for change in how power is shared
29  Abortion: Making the law - Humza Yousaf wants to legalise abortion but as it is not illegal in Scotland, buffer zones would be a better focus 
32  Political Interview: John Mason - Outspoken and out of step with SNP policy on abortion, who is the veteran backbencher behind the headlines?
36 Getting to know... Lib Dem MP Jamie Stone on his father and his love for fungi
38 Comment - Scotland is in need of a reset, writes former FM Henry McLeish 
39 Politicians’ pets - Leader of Clacks Council Ellen Forson introduces her dog and cat 
40 Diary - Alternative medicine, wrong names and suspicious campervans
41 Political spin - Labour’s Colin Smyth is a true Queen superfan
42 Last Word - Sketch: Granda Joe Biden is very, VERY Irish

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